Downsizing Done Right: A Guide to Moving into a Smaller Home

As we go through different stages of life, our housing needs change, and buying a smaller, new house in Ireland often becomes a necessity or a wise choice.

Whether you’re an empty-nester or simply embracing a more minimalist lifestyle, downsizing in Ireland can be both a practical and cost-effective decision. In this guide, we’ll discuss the key steps to successfully move into a smaller home, with a focus on decluttering and recycling old furniture.

Assess Your New Space and Plan Accordingly

Before you start the process of downsizing, it’s essential to understand the dimensions and layout of your new home.

Measure each room, and create a floor plan to determine which pieces of furniture and belongings will fit comfortably. This will help you decide which items to keep, sell, donate, or recycle.

Declutter Your Belongings

moving into a smaller home

Moving to a smaller home means letting go of unnecessary belongings. Start by sorting through your possessions, dividing them into categories such as ‘keep,’ ‘sell,’ ‘donate,’ or ‘recycle.’

Be ruthless in your decisions, keeping only the items that serve a purpose or hold sentimental value. Remember, downsizing is an opportunity to embrace a more minimalist lifestyle and reduce the clutter in your life.

Recycle or Repurpose Old Furniture

It’s likely that not all of your existing furniture will fit in your new home. Instead of discarding unwanted pieces, consider recycling or repurposing them.

In Ireland, there are numerous recycling centres and charity shops that accept donations of furniture in good condition. You can also use a furniture removal business, such as Halton Removal Company, to take care of this for you.

Alternatively, you can upcycle old pieces by refinishing or reupholstering them, giving them a new lease on life in your smaller space.

Organise a Garage Sale or Use Online Platforms to Sell Unwanted Items

Once you’ve sorted through your belongings and decided which items won’t be making the move, organise a garage sale to sell them.

This is a great way to make some extra money and give your unwanted items a new home. Alternatively, take advantage of online platforms such as, DoneDeal, or Facebook Marketplace to sell your possessions to a wider audience.

Pack Smartly and Efficiently

When moving into a smaller space, it’s crucial to be strategic with your packing. Use clear plastic bins or label boxes with their contents and the room they belong to in your new home. This will make the unpacking process easier and more organised.

Additionally, utilise space-saving packing techniques, such as vacuum-sealing clothing and linens, to maximise the available storage in your new home.

Invest in Multi-functional and Space-saving Furniture

To make the most of your smaller space, invest in furniture that serves multiple purposes or can be easily stored away when not in use.

Examples include sofa beds, extendable dining tables, and nesting tables. These versatile pieces will not only save space but also provide flexibility in how you use your new home.

Embrace Vertical Storage Solutions

In a smaller home, it’s essential to make use of vertical space. Install shelves, wall-mounted storage units, and hooks to keep items off the floor and create a more spacious feel. Additionally, consider hanging mirrors to give the illusion of a larger room and improve natural light.

Get Creative with Your Layout

When arranging your furniture in your new home, think outside the box. Experiment with different layouts to find the best use of space and consider using rugs or open shelving units to create distinct zones within an open-plan living area.

Settle In and Enjoy Your New Home

Couple with dog in a new home

Once you’ve moved in and unpacked, take some time to appreciate the benefits of your smaller home. With fewer belongings, you’ll have less to maintain and clean, giving you more time to focus on the things that matter most to you. Embrace the opportunity to live more simply and sustainably in your new space.

Adapt and Adjust as Needed

As you settle into your new home, you may find that certain belongings or arrangements don’t work as well as you’d initially hoped.

Be prepared to adjust as needed, whether swapping out furniture or reorganising your storage solutions. Remember, downsizing is a process that may require some fine-tuning as you adapt to your new space.

Consider Your Pets and Their Needs

When downsizing, it’s essential to consider the needs of your furry family members as well. A smaller home may require adjustments to ensure their comfort and happiness.

Set up a comfortable and quiet area for your pets to rest and feel secure. This could be a corner of the living room or a designated pet room. Make sure they have access to their bed, toys, and food and water dishes.

With the potential for accidents or health issues arising in your new, smaller space, it’s a good idea to have pet insurance in place. Pet insurance can help cover the costs of veterinary care and provide peace of mind, knowing that your pets will receive the necessary treatment should they need it.


Downsizing to a smaller home in Ireland can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to simplify your life and enjoy a more manageable living space.

By decluttering, recycling old furniture, and making smart choices in how you organise and furnish your new home, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the many benefits of downsizing.

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